If the fact of being regular at the gym and yet feeling tired drives you crazy, you must read the motivational story of Guru Mann and watch a few videos by him on health and fitness.

About Guru Mann
Guru Mann is not just a fitness trainer; he is an advanced trainer in fitness, nutritionist, sports fitness trainer, and fitness author. There are many other roles played by him in the field of fitness. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology/Biomechanics. He is also a BS in Exercise & Sports Science from California State University. Mann attained various other certificates related to fitness and is perfect to talk about the subject.

Guru is highly focused in robust fitness training routine and inspires others to follow the same. After having hands on experience in fitness and modeling for over 17 years, Guru is recognized as one of the great inspirations for the youth and other fitness freaks.

Life was not the same for Guru a few years ago. He was skinny and used to hate himself for hiding his not so appealing body. He fought against all odds and devoted his time wholeheartedly at the gym. Today, he rarely likes the idea of wearing a shirt.

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‘Don’t make excuses, make progress.’

Guru Mann is one of the most reliable sources for product reviews on Indian and foreign nutrition brands. In one of his interviews on YouTube, Guru revealed a disappointing factor about Indians hitting the gym regularly but, still staying unfit. He understood the fact that Indians hit the gym after realizing that they have health issues. This was the time, which made it clear for Guru to educate people about health and fitness so that they are regular in keeping themselves fit.

Guru is a hardcore fan of Arnold Schwarzenegger and follows most of his fitness rules. According to Mann, fitness is the fuel of life; you need to keep fueling your body with exercises and proper diet to live long happily.

With the passion and zeal to show the ropes to people, Guru runs his own You Tube channel and has also collaborated with T-Series : Health And Fitness. If you are into fitness, you must visit his ‘8 Week Fat Shredding Program’, in collaboration with T-Series. It is one of the most popularly ran programs designed for those looking to remain fit. One of the key areas that Guru asks to concentrate is how you live your life outside the GYM. Irrespective of how much time you spend at the gym, if you do not follow a good nutrition program outside the gym, your body will not show up the hard work invested in those tough exercises.

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Guru’s Motivational Factor
This guy is surely going to raise the heartbeats of many girls. It is not because of his attractive personality, but surely his craze for fitness. Not many men are fitness freaks and his beliefs about unfit Indian men are true to an extent. Being an Indian myself, I have seen men hitting the gym and hogging on fat based foods later. I have many friends who are regular gym goers. They look amazing with biceps and triceps; however when asked to run a few steps or climb the staircase, they start feeling breathless. After watching a few training sessions by Guru Mann, I visualized the entire scenario. Today, my friends watch his YouTube videos habitually.

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I have seen a couple of videos on YouTube of Guru and have one request if he would read this story; I did not find anything related to women fitness. Being a die-hard fan of Guru Mann’s training skills, I would love to watch a few videos or sessions on women fitness too. There are many mothers like me, who would love to be back in shape after they have delivered. We often receive same regular tips and exercises with less impact by the general gym trainers. They charge us high fee for a personal training. A little information will greatly help the ladies who are in love with his fitness craze.

Every woman wishes to have a husband who loves to eat her handmade cooked food, and yet shows the love by his heart rather his stomach. I believe all men should follow a routine exercise program to keep the relationship healthy and fit along with their body. #KhabarLive