The soaring temperatures and dry heat is all set to become a major cause for the rise of seasonal ailments among the community in Hyderabad and elsewhere in the State. In the coming months, the public health machinery in Hyderabad is expected to be thoroughly tested, as the number of patients with seasonal ailments rise.

While public health officials, especially the respective district health machinery gearing up to roll-out the annual summer action plan, the fact also remains that precaution at a more individual and family level will go a long way in preventing the annual surge of such cases during summer season.

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Summer in Hyderabad is well known to trigger ailments such as typhoid, jaundice and gastroenteritis, which are all water-borne diseases. Senior doctors point out that in summer, due to lack of access to potable water and soaring temperatures, people tend to consume water from untested sources including from roadside vendors, which in-turn trigger ailments.

Water and food are major sources that trigger ailments in summer. Consumption of untreated drinking water, which happens due to shortage of potable water and stale food, causes health complications among persons of all age groups, said district health authorities.

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Cases of heat strokes are also expected to rise, as temperatures consistently touch upwards of 40 degree Celsius. Doctors, however, point out that majority of persons who suffer heat strokes are persons with compromised immunity and have comorbid conditions such as heart ailments, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney diseases.

“Persons who have kidney and heart ailments, diabetics and pregnant women, should avoid getting exposed to extreme heat in peak summer. This is more important for persons with kidney and heart ailments because extreme heat will lead to shock and death among such patients,” says Superintendent, Fever Hospital, Nallakunta, Dr K Shankar.

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Doctors say that core body temperatures of senior citizens, diabetics, kidney and heart patients rises considerably when exposed to hot sun for a long time. Symptoms of sun stroke include heavy perspiration, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, disorientation, dizzy feeling and fatigue. #KhabarLive