The world is evolving at a rapid pace and this progress has a direct impact on the education system. Seeing this as a cue for the present education pattern to step up and adapt to the changing scenario.

Key Attributes of Millennial Education
The present system has so far been successful in equipping students with the knowledge required to advance in the job market. But today’s tech-driven and rapidly altering circumstances require shifting the focus to outcome or job-oriented education. The following aspects form a crucial component of this change:

• Instant access to education anytime and from anywhere.
• A personalized learning module.
• Stress on practical and skill-based learning.

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If the education model is able to cater to these demands, it would result in sending out students who are confident and trained to face the job market’s rigorous demands. The time has come when universities work towards bridging the gap between a job and a degree.

New Models of Education
By employing certain changes the educational system can easily be made more responsive to the needs of the present time. Today students have access to online as well as offline education sources. The offline modes have been expanded beyond colleges and universities to include training institutes and certification programs. The online method gives students access to a mind-boggling array of Online Courses.

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One of the ways to move towards future models is to make education bidirectional in nature. Learning cannot be fruitful if it only flows from one side. Making it more social and eliminating isolation is another way to change the system. Thirdly, it must be affordable in order to reach all strata of society. And lastly, it must rely on projects and simulations to achieve the end goal of job-oriented learning. Vikas Gupta believes that the ‘Learn by Doing’ approach is the only way to introduce real skills in students that will help them get better jobs.

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Multiple Platforms
Today’s generation has a myriad learning tools at its disposal, all fueled by technology. University education too needs to keep pace and supplement traditional teaching with new-age techniques in order to create a hybrid model. The hallmark of this age is the need to learn, unlearn and re-skill at every point in life to keep up with the fast-changing nature of technology and the job market. And this point needs to be kept in mind by educational institutions.

(Vikas Gupta is the Managing Director of Wiley India)


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