If Telangana Rashtra Samithi president and chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has his way, there are soon going to be serious curbs on social media, which he feels, has been spreading hatred among the people and also running a negative campaign against the government.

According to KCR, during the just concluded municipal elections in the state, the opposition parties – the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party – extensively used the social media to troll the TRS, spread the message that the ruling party leaders were spending huge amounts to lure the voters.

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The TRS chief was so much vexed with this negative campaign that he described social media as anti-social media and warned of stern action against people who hurl abuses on social media.

The chief minister was particularly annoyed at the comments made by the BJP leaders against him and his family during the election campaign in Nizamabad.

He also got the intelligence inputs that the violence in Bhainsa before the elections was mainly due to spreading of images in the social media by the BJP leaders.

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Interestingly, Jana Sena Party chief Pawan Kalyan has also expressed his anger over making fake news viral in the social media by the YSRC leaders against him.

He was upset with the reports that went round in the social media that the previous TDP government had gifted 62 acres of land in Amaravati capital region.

He described the documents circulated in the social media as false.

Jana Sena legal cell will initiate legal action against the false campaigners and those who are making illicit posts on social media.

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“We are going to file defamation cases against the false campaign,” Pawan said. #KhabarLive