Guddu, an animated cartoon series, launched by ZEE5 is making noise for its laughter content. This exclusive show for kids to relax and enjoy during this difficult time when kids cannot go out in the open and play.

As a rescue for all the busy parents and bored kids ZEE5 Kids have taken an initiative to start an animated series and it will have multiple series coming in and its first one is Guddu the Super-powered lion the best animated series on TV shows.

These shows are sure to engage, entertain and educate them, and make staying home a li’l more fun, Guddu is one such series. Image

Ready for a new fun adventure with Guddu the lion and his friends? Here are a few things you need to know about the adventure-packed show on ZEE5 .

This streaming show Guddu is a story of a fun-loving lion, and his friends who follow him around in search of adventures in each episode. The show premiered on May 08, 2020, on ZEE5 Kids, and here are a few things that you need to know about Guddu.

Guddu, an animated cartoon series, launched by ZEE5 is making noise for its laughter content. This exclusive show for kids to relax and enjoy during this difficult time when kids cannot go out in the open and play.

As a rescue for all the busy parents and bored kids ZEE5 Kids have taken an initiative to start an animated series and there will be multiple series coming in and its first one is Guddu the super-powered lion.

These shows are sure to engage, entertain and educate them, and make staying home a li’l more fun, Guddu is one such series.

This is an original animated series, which is based on a Lion named Guddu who speaks like Javed Jaffery and lives in Dhimkana Nagar with his friends and is completely interested in entertaining and protecting people.

Super powers of this funny lion are his charm and wit which wins him more viewers. He is always ready to help anyone in need, along with his friends he goes to a circus in the city to bring joy and happiness in the animal’s lives.

Guddu can speak several languages. He is jovial, courageous and extremely protective of his gang.

Most ‘Fun-filled’ Story
Guddu revolves around a friendly lion and his friends who live in a jungle called Dhimkana Nagar. Guddu, along with his friends, runs a circus in the nearby city and also helps the police commissioner Mr. Bhowbhow and inspector Rocky to solve several crimes in the city.

In the first few episodes, Guddu and his friends, Ballu, Ugli, Chugli, and Googly etc. help the animals of Dhimkana Nagar by restoring peace and maintaining law and order, Guddu looks after the jungle and its residents.

This is a great move to bring back the value of laughter, love, friendship and fun in our lockdown – quarantined lives; they introduced a massive vegetarian lion to promote vegans he jokes, rhymes and raps for his viewers. He has a tight bond with his friends and protects them from enemies at any cost.

To have unending fun with a bacha party, one should play this animated series in their living rooms to engage their kids in home and prevent them from getting bored.

These kinds of series are in trend to buy all family channels to help people to remain safe and joyful indoors in this lockdown crisis.

Exciting and Unique Characters
Guddu’s friends include Veeru the Rhino – who is always eating and working out, Flamingo couple- Bunty and Babli, three notorious monkeys Chugli, Ugli and Googly, Jiru -the Giraffe; Honey Aunty- the loving Bear and Hiru- a deer calf. Each character is unique in their skillset and helps Guddu in his life goal, which is to entertain others with his life.

Guddu also has enemies who try to trouble the city and his friends. Led by a billionaire cat named Billori and his accomplice Gaffoor- a goon buffalo who always tries to trouble Guddu.

Fun, Moral lessons with Guddu
Each episode of the show is presented with a moral message for the young audience to takeaway. Guddu’s adventures always end with a victory of good over evil and teach the little ones about the many virtues of good deeds while having fun.

As a parent everyone will be worried about the effects if their children are exposed to the music videos or the commercial 24*7 movie channels, people were looking for an option and meanwhile the trend of animated series gets started with many satellite channels. And Guddu TV serial on ZEE5 Kids has topped the charts within the shortest span of time. When he spins his tail and flies in the sky to protect the one who is in danger.

Highlight of this series is that funny lions speak in multiple languages to create humor and it became an eye engaging thing for the viewers. This series can be enjoyed on ZEE5 Kids only.

Aren’t you guys excited for Guddu’s arrival on your home screens? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below! #ZEE5Kids, #KhabarLive #hydnews 

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