Need somebody to lean on and pour out your worries, especially during the stressful coronavirus times? Dial the Rachakonda Police on 040-48214800 to get help from a trained agony aunt.

Techies in Hyderabad who are feeling low and stressed won’t have to shell out several thousands or wait for an appointment to meet a busy professional counsellor now. In a novel initiative, the Rachakonda Police have launched a programme that will offer proper psychological assessment and counselling by trained ‘margadarshaks’.

According to the police, the programme, apart from providing counselling by trained counsellors and margadarshaks, also has referral services. Not just IT personnel, but their spouses and dependents too can make use of the programme.

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“The main advantages of this wellbeing programme is that it is given to the individual on an absolute no-cost basis and with no paperwork needed, unlike other psychological services offered outside,” Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat said.

The psychological help will be offered by experienced and trained professionals. The services will be on an on-the-spot appointment basis with an assurance of personal details being kept completely confidential, he said.

Officials said the prime focus would be on everyday problems being faced by the people. The most common issues to be dealt with include stress, marital problems, family disputes, alcoholism, depression due to family issues and work-related problems.

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Margadarshak, the flagship programme of the Society for Cyberabad Security Council (SCSC) where resources from organisations and communities are trained to provide socio-legal support to victims of sexual or domestic abuse or online abuse, is being conducted online.

The training programme for margadarshaks comprises a volunteering module where the trainees visit counselling centres and women police stations for knowledge on the process followed in helping distressed women. Margadarshaks are also equipped with training to provide confidential help in cases of violence or abuse. The volunteers facilitate consultations with the police and provide an avenue for navigating the system and use available resources.

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“The SCSC Women’s Forum is committed to empower, educate and enable women, specifically employees in IT organisations, to manage and respond effectively to issues of safety and security,” an official said. #KhabarLive #hydnews