Balding in men is common  worry in all middle-aged people. Always, it become a headache while physical personality test and any gatherings, people wear caps or use scarfs to hide baldness. #KhabarLive found the best solution to this worrisome menace. Want yo know more, read on this article.

Men are born with tons of stereotypes surrounding them on a daily basis, in Middle Eastern and South Asian cultures, Men are born to be the leading supporters of the family they’re born into, from ownership of certain properties to having to take on various challenges on behalf of their family.

While many stereotypes are found to be true, that doesn’t mean they’re unbeatable. Some say men are prone to aging faster than women are, which isn’t necessarily true but it’s understandable. If you find yourself surrounded by people your age but you somehow look older than all of them, it doesn’t mean you should just accept it and move on. You can get certain products to give yourself a more natural look respective to your age, this is the same exact case with men balding, although it’s a stereotype, it’s one that is popularized more and more as time goes on.

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The prevalence of Hair Loss in Men
The main proven causes of men balding at an early age are directly related to their hormones as well as genetics, for some cases. A recent survey showed the results of the prevalence of hair loss in men from the ages of 18 to 49, “The proportion of men with moderate to extensive hair loss increased with increasing age, ranging from 16% for men 18-29 years of age to 53% of men 40-49.”

Male hair-loss patterns are found to originate from the temples and crown of the hair, mid-frontal baldness is also common for men.

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What Causes Hair Loss in Men?
Hair loss in men is very prevalent nowadays, with the factors of hair loss ranging from simple emotions such as taking too much stress to medical issues like alopecia, there are tons of ways a man can start balding out of nowhere. Some of the causes of hair loss in men are:

Genetics: Genetics and family history has proven to have a huge impact on men getting hair loss at an early age, you’ll gradually start seeing yourself with a receding hairline or bald spots if your father or grandfather went through the same thing when they were your age.

Condition of Health: If your health isn’t in a good state, maybe your immune system is as strong as it used to be from undergoing different kinds of illnesses. Conditions like Alopecia and/or scalp infections are the secondary cause of men balding, the primary being genetics.

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Side-effects of Medicine: People taking medicine on a daily basis for various reasons may not know this yet, but many medicines have side-effects that may provoke hair loss.

A scientifically proven treatment
The many “proven” treatments for hair loss such as hair transplants or different types of oil-based products, don’t have the accurate results one might expect. But lucky for you, out of the many treatments for hair loss, one stands out. An antihypertensive vasodilator, commonly known as Minoxidil is the best-known treatment for hair loss currently available. To learn more about hair loss and it’s the clinically preferred treatment, visit Minoxidil.

If your local pharmacy is out of stock with Minoxidil, Numan also provides fresh supplies of the medicine to help you and your hair get back on track. #KhabarLive #hydnews