The excitement of youngsters to play with dots is turning high as they are getting addicted to a new hobby called Pointillism art.

Pointillism an ancient revolutionary art evolved in 18th century is now a new trendy hobby for the happening generation. “It’s really adorable to realise that small dot adding with couple of small dots in patterns creates magic.

“Just fell in love with pointillism instantly when I came across the art in social media. I wanted to do at least one for myself, but I did couple of them as the beautiful art giving me peace. Pointillism is nothing just arrangement of dots to create an amazing picture and anyone can learn by themselves and can experiment however they like and it’s easy,” said Pooja Vanga, Pointilliser from Vengalrao Nagar of Hyderabad.

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J Swathi, a Professional Pointilliser from Hyderabad who has been in this field of art for five years, says it takes at least 15 days to draw a complete pointillist and it needs thousands of dots to complete one art. Explaining the structure of the art, Swathi said, “Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image. The amount of dots varies from area to area of the art. The more the dots are the darker the area highlights. Conversely, the fewer the dots are the lighter that area will be highlighted.”

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Pointillism takes advantage of the way our eyes work with our brains and it ensures relaxation for a stressful mind and it’s a kind of stress buster for our happening generation and we just love to dot-dot-dot and dot to create a magical art, said Mahak Dhawan, another Pointillist. Pointillism can be done in either black and white or color. Marker, pen, pencil or paint are all great materials to use when making art by using the pointillism technique. The theory or practice of pointillism is the art of applying small strokes or dots of color to a surface so that from a distance they blend together.

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Describing the new forms of pointillism techniques being used, M Deepu, an artist and software engineer from Kompally said, “Pointillism on paper is for fun and now the fantasy of youth is to engrave a pointillism tattoo on the body. Tattoo in black is not trendier but the tattoo with dots is observing huge attention from the audience and the trend will go on for a decade at least.” #KhabarLive #hydnews