The revolution in hindi tech blog makes everyone In surprise with lots of extensive information in Banking, Shopping  Gaming etc! Get all your answers at LogicalDost.

The Hindi technology-based information blog LogicalDost, recently recorded 500,000 hits in just one month! And this figure is growing every day. LogicalDost provides all the information in Hindi so that people who do not know English or are not well-versed in English can understand technology easily.

LogicalDost, run by Rajasthan’s Churu-based technology expert Pradeep, provides detailed information on how to carry out banking transactions to checking train status on WhatsApp to learning the basic use of smartphones, computers and much more. He now earns in lakhs every month from the blog.

While talking about his technology blog, Pradeep said, “I launched LogicalDost in 2018, after buying the domain from GoDaddy, along with 1 month’s hosting, with my mother’s ATM card for Rs299. At that time, I didn’t even have a laptop, so I created this blog using my phone. I also took several online courses in blogging and marketing from such sites as and The Kickstart Conclave to make LogicalDost interesting and easy to use.”

Pradeep has a number of plans lined up for his blog. Firstly, he dreams of making his blog India’s best platform for digital education on mobiles, computers and the Internet. Secondly, he wishes to make LogicalDost more engaging by introducing new programs where users can ask questions in audio and video formats.

Additionally, Pradeep wants to create some browser/web-based tools that will be more user-friendly. He plans to launch an advanced LogicalDost mobile app on the Google Play Store in place of the basic one that is there now. Finally, he also has expansion plans for the LogicalDost team and office space and wishes to register LogicalDost as a private limited company. #livehyd #hydnews 

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