In a recent move in Telangana politics, K Chandrashekar, the leader of the TRS and state chief minister, is apparently getting ready to create a brand-new national political organisation. His formal entry into national politics will be announced soon, and the capital of Telangana will host this momentous occasion.

According to party sources, KCR was under increasing pressure to enter national politics while still serving as Chief Minister of the State.

The persistent pressure from many societal groups, including the intelligentsia, retired judges, retired civil servants, and senior politicians of several political parties, in addition to the TRS party workers and leaders, led the TRS supremo to decide to found a new national political party.

Sources said that there has been unanimous demand for KCR to take the responsibility of steering the nation and saving it from the political machinations of the BJP.

Sources argue that this is the correct time for KCR’s foray into national politics, as the Congress had utterly failed to discharge its duty of being the principle opposition party. The Congress plagued with leadership crisis and the unending desertions of senior leaders and its unimpressive performance during the so-called ‘Bharat Jodo yatra’ have failed to persuade the nation that the Congress could assert its position as a political party capable of confronting the BJP.

The question arises that how long such one-sided politics should continue? There should be alternative leadership and people across the country have been looking for such alternative for a long time. Sources pointed out that KCR proved his capabilities during the Telangana movement in taking along other like-minded leaders from different parties in the country. Further, he is also known for taking bold steps all through his political career.

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If this were so, the BJP’s political maneuvers were diametrically opposed to the values Indian society stood for so far. The unending efforts to drive a wedge between people in the name of religion and the penchant for toppling the State Governments ruled by Opposition parties were believed to be other principal factors that convinced Chandrashekhar Rao to consider moving into the National political space.

Some retired civil servants were understood to have urged Chandrashekhar Rao that this was the opportune time for him to launch a national party, as the BJP leadership was determined to misuse and abuse the government machinery to help meet their political ambitions.

The way Central agencies such as the CBI, Enforcement Directorate, Income Tax Departments were misused and abused to harass the political leaders in opposition parties and the absence of a credible political party to raise a forceful voice against the BJP seemed to have convinced the TRS chief to launch a new political party. Apart from misusing the Central agencies, another factor that compels KCR to take on the Centre was the financial restrictions in the garb of FRBM limits which was casting an impact on welfare programmes.

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Further, the Chief Minister’s idea about his foray into national politics elicited unanimous support, right from the Nagarjuna Sagar bypoll campaign and during the subsequent public meetings addressed in Medchal, Ranga Reddy, Vikarabad, Peddapalli and Nizamabad as well as the party plenary held at Hyderabad. People came out in his support in unison. Under these circumstances, people are of the opinion that “KCR is the right person who knows how to pull the plug at the right time and at right place”.

The all round assault launched by the BJP against its political opponents using the Central Ministers and the Institutions of Governors was never heard of in Independent India so far. “There used to be one or two Ministers or Governors known for their maverick behaviour. But now all the Governors and union Ministers are used like pawns to harass the Opposition parties. Have we ever heard of a union Minister going to a ration shop and kick up row over a photograph?” a senior TRS leader questioned.

Similarly, almost all the Governors were at loggerheads with State Governments ruled by Opposition parties. The gubernatorial offices in Kerala, Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Telangana are the best examples as the Governors failed to discharge the constitutional responsibilities, but act as stooges of the Central Government. “This is the time for KCR to steer and save the nation”, a retired civil servant maintained.

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Intense discussions were taking place among the TRS leaders on the capabilities of KCR to succeed in the new initiative. A senior party leader recalled that even when KCR launched the agitation for separate statehood for Telangana, there were some sections who were incredulous about the possibility of Telangana being achieved. “The situation was similar at that time also. Achieving Telangana appeared to be an insurmountable problem. But look at the way things turned out favourably”, commented another politician.

According to a politician close to KCR, “In fact, this is the strength of KCR. He will take up issues that are unthinkable. When the Telangana agitation was launched, he was all alone, but he came out with a clear agenda and convinced every political party to raise the Separate Telangana slogan. What was supposed to be a goal that was unachievable, was achieved,” drawing a comparison between the launch of the Telangana agitation and its subsequent success to the current development where a new National party is to be launched. #Khabarlive #hydnews #hyderabadlive #hyderabadi