If you are thinking about going on a keto diet, in this article you will find everything you need to know about how to lose weight with the ketogenic diet. The keto diet has become one of the most popular ways to lose weight.

Also known as the ketogenic diet, this is based on reducing carbohydrate intake as much as possible and increasing the consumption of healthy fats and, to a lesser extent, proteins.

What this form of diet does is that it entails a metabolic change in the body in terms of the way in which it obtains its energy. By reducing carbohydrates there is a shortage of glucose in the blood that forces the body to generate the fuel it needs from fats, reducing their accumulation.

Despite the results as a weight loss method, this diet is very restrictive, since by limiting carbohydrate intake it forces you to not consume cereals, starch, fruits and a good part of vegetables. Which has made part of the scientific community question its recommendation since its inception. 

If you are thinking of following this method of losing weight, here is everything you need to keep in mind when starting a ketogenic diet.

The origin of the ketogenic diet

Although the boom it has experienced in recent years may make you believe that it is something new, the truth is that ketogenic diets date back to the early twentieth century, although at that time it was not used to lose weight but as a treatment against epilepsy.

At that time, doctors began to see that a high fat and low carbohydrate intake seemed to reduce seizures in epileptic people who did not respond well to medications, so they began to recommend it as a treatment.

Some studies still point towards these results and today the ketogenic diet is still sometimes recommended in minors with epilepsy.

What is a keto or ketogenic diet?

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In summary and in a definition of walking around the house, it can be said that a ketogenic diet, is based on ingesting few carbohydrates with the aim of burning more fat.

The name of ketogenic is based on the fact that this feeding strategy seeks to generate ketogenic bodies in the body. And this is when a slightly more complex definition arrives.

The ketosis is a physiological process by which the organism produces these ketone bodies. These are small molecules that function as a source of energy for the brain, generated in the liver from fats.

The body uses them when glucose (blood sugar and its main source of energy) is scarce and needs to produce it quickly. 

As the keto diet includes few carbohydrates, what it does is encourage the body to have a shortage of glucose and must “force” ketosis, favoring a greater burning of calories and a decrease in accumulated fat.

Different types of ketogenic diets

As you have seen, what the keto diet aims to do is keep the body in constant ketosis.

Achieving this requires a pronounced carbohydrate shortage. This is achieved by reducing your intake to below 50 grams. This deficiency is compensated by a higher intake of fat and protein.

For this reason, there is no single ketogenic diet.

Some prioritize higher fat intake and others allow higher protein intake. Although all keto diets tend to have a consumption of 50-60% fat, 20-30% protein, and 10% carbohydrates. This percentage is the key to the keto diet, since if carbohydrates are increased, the body will stop being in ketosis.

Does the keto diet help you lose weight?

If you are wondering if a ketogenic diet will help you lose weight, the answer is yes. It is very likely that this way of eating will lead you to shed a few kilos and also quickly.

It’s obvious. In the end what you are doing is forcing your body to burn fat on a regular basis so that all that remains accumulated will disappear.

It also seems to help control levels of satiety, an essential aspect when someone is on a diet, since nothing can do less for the goal of losing weight, than the constant feeling of hunger. 

That said, even though it works, it doesn’t mean it’s a good way to lose weight.  The ketogenic diet is still a restrictive slimming strategy, that is, it limits the consumption of some foods, with the consequences for your body that this can entail.

It is advisable that this diet does not extend too much in time, since at the moment the long-term effects that the prolonged absence of carbohydrates in the body could entail are not known.

Is The Keto Diet Right For Everyone?

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Basically, it helps to understand that no diet can be suitable for everyone in a generalized way. But especially when it comes to highly restrictive diets that limit the consumption of certain foods.

In the case of people with diabetes, a minimal carbohydrate intake can cause their blood glucose levels to rise less frequently. But for this reason, they may need to reduce their insulin doses. If you are diabetic and you are considering a keto diet, it is appropriate to consult with your doctor before starting it.

It is also not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. There is no evidence at the moment that indicates effects on the fetus or the baby, but restricting such key foods as fruits and vegetables – rich in vitamins, iron, folic acid or fiber – does not seem optimal.

In addition, ketosis can promote dehydration, while women who are breastfeeding tend to need more hydration than usual, so it does not seem highly recommended either.

What foods you can and cannot eat

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When following a keto diet you should base your diet on (healthy) fats and proteins.

Following this, the foods you can consume are:

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs 
  • Butter
  • Cheeses
  • Low carbohydrate nuts
  • Healthy oils
  • Low-carbohydrate vegetables

Regarding the foods prohibited by a ketogenic diet:

  • Grains or starch: products made from wheat, rice, pasta, cereals, etc.
  • Fruit: except berries, mainly blackberries and raspberries
  • Vegetables
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.
  • Sugary foods: soft drinks, juices, ice cream, sweets, etc.
  • Processed products: since they are usually high in carbohydrates.
  • Sauces: since they usually contain sugar and unhealthy fats.

Is it dangerous to follow a keto diet? 

By restricting the consumption of certain foods there is a greater risk of neglecting some nutrients, especially potassium, calcium or magnesium, so it is advisable to follow this diet under the guidelines of a nutritionist.

On the other hand, reducing your intake of carbohydrates and enhancing fat, even if they are healthy, does not seem like a habit to prolong over time. According to a study focused on the eating patterns of more than 447,000 people around the world, banning entire food groups can lead to more health risks, including premature death.

There are also some side effects linked to this diet, such as the so-called keto flu. These are a number of symptoms that a person may experience when starting a ketogenic diet, including nausea, headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, or low energy levels. 

These effects are the result of the body’s adaptation to the new metabolic state in which it experiences a carbohydrate shortage. Although these symptoms generally disappear after the first weeks after starting the diet. #KhabarLive #hydnews