Higher Education Scenario: On Offer At Private Varsities Are Heated Pools,...

The contrast with state institutions is particularly glaring during admission season, even though many of them have a much better academic reputation. Like many government-run...

The 4-Minute Daily Workout Helps To Improve Endurance

Thanks to an ingratiating new study, we may finally be closer to answering that ever-popular question regarding our health and fitness: How little exercise...

‘Suddh Godavari’ Should Flow With ‘Glory’

In the path of Suddhh Ganga, now Telangana and Andhra Pradesh governments are making Suddhh Godavari to clean and making the religious customs and...

Houses Or Crops: What’s Our Priority?

World over, especially in the developing countries loss of arable land is becoming a gargantuan problem. Population increase is noticeable everywhere. More population means...

The Great Indian Crop ‘Fertilizer Robbery’

Big business houses are diverting subsidized fertilizers meant for poor farmers. #HydNews exposes a shocking collusion that is costing the country crores of rupees. Every...

Rural India Is In Transition, But Why To Bother?

Rural India is changing and how! The obsessive focus of the media on the grievances, imaginary or actual, of urban India has virtually blinded...