Telangana ‘Fertile’ For Breeding AP’s Prized Fighting Cocks

Cockfights are a regular feature in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh during Sankranti. Andhra Pradesh’s prized cocks raring to go for the Sankranti season fights are...

Banking Hiring At 5-Year Low, Are Bank Jobs Losing Sheen?

State-Run banks, crumbling under the toxic loan pile, seem to be steadily losing some of their pop as one of the largest employers. Job...

Sheer Gender Disparity In NephroPlus Dialysis In India?

NephroPlus, a dialysis network provider, through a clinical research conducted across their 128 centers has found only 30% of the dialysis population in India...

When ‘Organised Crime’ Charges Dropped, What Remains Of The ‘Malegaon Blast...

While the defence lawyers are jubilant about the judge’s order, the prosecution claims it still has a strong case against the accused. Nine years after...

Where Are India’s Stock Market Traders?

India's stock market traders seem missing in action, at least if one goes by income tax data. There is a curiously persistent gap between the total...

Hyderabad Muslim ‘Clerics’ Caught Bypassing Supreme Court Ban On ‘Triple Talaq’

An exclusive 'Hyderabad News' investigation has revealed that many muftis are trying to circumvent the Supreme Court's ban on triple talaq. Muslim husbands asked to...