In Telangana And Andhra Pradesh, 2019 Election Will Witness Shift From...

"Social Engineering" may replace regional sentiment in the 2019 election in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The upcoming 2019 general election is poised to witness...

Telangana, AP Political Leadership Wary Of ‘Early Assembly And Lok Sabha...

Recently, Prime Minister Modi had mooted the proposal of holding early elections, but the political leadership of both states don’t know when and if...

Do You Know, Our Constitution Has Already Been ‘Amended 101 Times’

Is there a need to debate the words ‘secular’ and ‘socialist’ in the Indian Constitution? The need for debate for revising socialism and secularism, or...

In The Year 2017, Indian ‘Comedians’ Took The ‘Politics’ Seriously

For comedians, 2017 has been a breakthrough year, when they didn’t shy away from taking down the rich, the famous and the powerful. As we...

Most ‘Painful Suicides’ Of ’50 Students’ Jolts Telangana Parents, Teachers And...

Psychologists pitched for counselling; CBSE called meeting; Students complained about long-hour classes. The Telangana education board received a jolt this year with 50 student suicides...

Telangana ‘Fertile’ For Breeding AP’s Prized Fighting Cocks

Cockfights are a regular feature in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh during Sankranti. Andhra Pradesh’s prized cocks raring to go for the Sankranti season fights are...