Rural India Is In Transition, But Why To Bother?

Rural India is changing and how! The obsessive focus of the media on the grievances, imaginary or actual, of urban India has virtually blinded...

Indian Education Needs A Big Change

The current regulatory regime imposes five heavy costs on our higher education system. #HydNews dissects them here… The biggest lesson of the last twenty years...

Today’s Education Beyond Teaching, Tests And Textbooks

If our school education has to make a mark, it has to surpass tests and textbooks, argues #HydNews. School education has become a mere jumble...

Why The State Of India’s Primary Education Is Shocking?

Do you expect a steady migration of students from government to private schools and a rapid fall in quality of education in a country...

Rural Higher Education And Women In Telangana

If somebody questions me, what is the best gift I received from my parents? I would probably say education. Yup! Because education is the...

Hyderabad Becomes India ‘Education Hub’

The emergence of Hyderabad as a major education hub in Telangana State. The city has quite a few technical institutes, management colleges, universities and...