War Not Peace – The Media of India And Pakistan

The two countries remain each others best diversion on Jadhav and family meeting issue. Till not so long ago there was a barometer of India-Pakistan...

‘Cyclones’ Has Exposed The Inefficiency Of India’s ‘Disaster Management’

The government displays a passive hostility towards environment protection. In 2004 when I was a schoolgirl, tsunami was an obscure word in my geography textbook...

How India Plans To Be A Trillion-Dollar Digital Economy By 2025? 

Govt departments are currently discussing a 30-point action plan to achieve this target under Modi’s pet ‘Digital India’ scheme. A trillion-dollar “digital economy” is a...

How This Telangana Village Banished Poverty And Farmer Suicides Through Organic...

Indebtedness and farmer suicides were common, but not anymore. Switching to organic farming, a Telengana village has turned its arid lands into lush green farms,...

Between ‘Good Hindu’ And ‘Dangerous Muslim’, Caste Politics In Karnataka Rears...

As the nation’s mood remained enraptured by the Gujarat elections last week, a storm was quietly brewing in Karnataka. The mysterious circumstances around the...

The Govt Must Stop Mansplaining Triple Talaq To Muslim Women

The deeply gendered and political act of rescuing women has been on full display ever since the government launched its campaign to save India’s Muslim...