Nowadays, Hyderabad witnessed a spurt of mental illness aka Covid Phobia cases. Private and government hospitals’ psychiatry departments are seeing new cases of COVID phobia with a variety of people, round-the-clock.

Some people of Hyderabad are witnessing COVID phobia. The phobia has gripped elderly people so much that they are avoiding stepping out of home ever since the lockdown that was imposed last year.

Many private and government hospitals’ psychiatry departments are seeing new cases daily. The phobia is much higher in COVID-19 recovered patients especially those who were hospitalized for a longer period.

While taking care of our mental health should be a priority at all times, the current global pandemic makes it imperative to pay close attention to mental and emotional wellbeing. The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus has given rise to exceptional situations – social distancing, lockdown and quarantine to name a few. These scenarios, coupled with the stress caused by the disease, has taken a toll on our mental health.

Tips to Covid Phobia

  • Follow a routine – The human mind finds much comfort in the certainty and assurance of routine. Although the pandemic has disrupted the usual pace and flow of our lives, it helps to follow some kind of a routine. This includes going to bed and waking up at regular times, maintaining personal hygiene and eating and exercising regularly. You will find yourself better rested and more prepared to tackle the uncertain aspects of the day.
  • Limit news inflow, screen time and use of social media – While it is important to keep yourself informed about the spread and control of the COVID-19 virus, it is equally important to monitor the amount of information you are processing every day. Too much news can leave you feeling more distressed than before. In this context, limiting the time you spend on your smartphones, computers and tablets also needs to be checked. Extended screen time has been linked to higher levels of anxiety and distress. Similarly, be careful about using social media as it can turn into a source of misinformation. Verify what you read on the internet against genuine sites.
  • Stay connected – Humans are social creatures who require connections with other individuals to lead a fulfilling life. The pandemic has struck at the root of this foundation, causing many to feel alone, afraid and anxious. However, we must adapt and find alternative ways, such as phone and video calls, to stay connected to family members, friends and loved ones.
  • Ask for help – The importance of reaching out when you feel overwhelmed cannot be overstated. While it is natural and common to feel a certain amount of alienation and stress, if these emotions persist, despite your efforts, talk to a trusted family member or friend. If your mental state worsens, contact a mental health professional or doctor. Many reputed hospitals are the best neuro experts in Hyderabad, with experts in mental health who can analyse your symptoms and advice on the next steps.
  • Pre-existing mental illnesses – If you are dealing with a pre-pandemic mental condition/disorder, the uncertainty can aggravate them. Being cognizant of this is the first step to staying prepared. Ensure that you are consulting your doctor regularly and are not neglecting medication and/or therapeutic sessions.
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COVID-19 has indeed affected the mental health of the entire community, directly or indirectly. The times call for greater adaptability and work-around strategies on the individual as well as social levels.

The researchers listed several factors that can lead to coronaphobia. These include wallowing in all the uncertainties that come with the pandemic (like whether you’ll get COVID-19, or if your paycheck is in jeopardy), adopting new practices and avoidance behavior, and the anxiety that can develop when you hear about world leaders and famous celebrities who have contracted the virus.

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According to a professor of Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad, Dr. Ajay Kumar Joopaka said to #KhabarLive that people who have struggled to get a hospital bed and ran from pillar to post for oxygen cylinders are deeply traumatized. Such level of trauma is usually seen in survivors of tsunami, earthquake,s etc., headded.

Hyderabad-based Institute of Medical Health in Erragada saw cases wherein people who were in grip of COVID phobia have not stepped out of their houses for the past 18 months.

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What is COVID phobia?

Phobia is an anxiety disorder wherein person suffering from it is under the grip of excess fear of person, object, situation etc.

In the case of COVID phobia, people will be witnessing fear of contracting COVID-19. They are also worried about COVID-19 complications including black fungus, breathlessness etc.

COVID-19 cases in Telangana

The Telangana state continues to report over 1000 new cases of COVID-19. On Saturday, the state reported 1,028 fresh cases of COVID-19 and nine fatalities. The cumulative cases in the state reached 6,19,865, while the cumulative deaths rose to 3,627.

As per the bulletin issued by health department providing details till 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, the Greater Hyderabad accounted for the most number of cases with 132, followed by Khammam (76) and Nalgonda (66) districts.

Currently, the number of active cases in Telangana is 15,054 where, the case fatality rate in the state is 0.58 percent.

Meanwhile, the state has reached the milestone of administering one crore jabs to people.■ #KhabarLive #hydnews