Why The State Of India’s Primary Education Is Shocking?

Do you expect a steady migration of students from government to private schools and a rapid fall in quality of education in a country...

Rural Higher Education And Women In Telangana

If somebody questions me, what is the best gift I received from my parents? I would probably say education. Yup! Because education is the...

Hyderabad Becomes India ‘Education Hub’

The emergence of Hyderabad as a major education hub in Telangana State. The city has quite a few technical institutes, management colleges, universities and...

#FlashBack2017 : Telangana Ups And Downs During This ‘Progressive Year’ 

A new cool train!: The 30 km Miyapur-Ameerpet-Nagole stretch was inaugurated with Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi flagging off the train on November...

About 1000 New Rohingya Muslims From Kashmir Arrived In Hyderabad

Hyderabad Witnesses the new migrants from Kashmir state - The Rohingya Muslims. About 1000 new people arrived during last month. With the Jammu and Kashmir...

Did A Ban On Hunting Help India’s Wildlife And Forests Thrive...

It is high time provisions of Wildlife Protection Act are reviewed to extend genuine preservation to wildlife other than tigers. In the early 1970s, hunters...