In a bizarre incident that stems from eccentric and unscientific beliefs, several parents with support from villagers half-buried their disabled children in Kalaburagi district’s Taj Sultanpur in Karnataka.

This was on being told that by such a step their children would be healed of their physical ailments because of solar eclipse miracle.

Parents put their children in the pit until the solar eclipse ended. The children were rescued by activists of Janwadi Mahila Sangatane (JMS) and the concerned officials as soon as the incident came to light.

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According to the police commissioner, the rescued children were rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment. City Commissioner of Kalaburagi, Naagraju told #KhabarLive, “Two children were partially buried by their parents on a belief that their children will be cured if they did so during the eclipse.

Our team rushed to the spot and rescued the kids who were given treatment and were later sent back to their homes. They are fine now. All their parents come with agricultural background”. #KhabarLive